Hot wire cnc is an industrial machine that cuts any 3D shape out of expanded polystyrene – EPS or extruded polystyrene – XPS foam. A heated wire electrically charged cutting process is performed to vaporize the material without physical contact. This provides superior surface finish (neat, clean and dust-free), reduces operator handling time and allows cost savings.
Besides the obvious advantages of hot wire cnc such as high production speed and accuracy, it also enables a much better use of the raw material (styrofoam) than the traditional milling method. The kerf is smaller and the overall quality of the cut significantly improved.
Hot Wire CNC: Breaking Down the Myths and Misconceptions
Dexcut CNC foam cutters are the most reliable and accurate machines on the market for EPS or XPS cutting. They are designed and built for professional and industrial application and offer a 5-year warranty.
All Dexcut machines are equipped with a powerful processor running LinuxCNC which controls the stepper motors via a parallel port interface. You don’t need to buy a special PC just for this purpose; any old one will do as long as it has a working parallel port and a USB connection.
Depending on the model, the basic Dexcut cnc can be fitted with either NiCr or titanium alloy wire. The latter is slightly more expensive but it lasts longer and breaks less often than the standard wire. It is available at an extra charge for all models 1.3 m wide and wider. It is recommended for 3D shapes with a large number of holes and grooves as well as for cutting curved surfaces.